Sawubona Ranch® Blog

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Sawubona Ranch - Annie Young - Professional Seals

Gratitude and Awareness

“What are you grateful for today and why?” It is a question my listening partner and I ask each other every day and have for nearly 2 years. On some days the answer rolls right off my tongue.  Other days, I take a long pause before answering.  The “pause” has...

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Feeling Stuck = Get Busy?

Sometimes in life I find myself “stuck”.  And the more “stuck” I feel the more hurried my human gets.  Why does feeling stuck equate to getting busy? Somewhere in my past someone must have told me that action is the answer to everything.  I definitely get “busy”...

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Have you ever noticed  your dog staring at the corner of a room but nothing is there?  Have you ever turned to say something when another walks in the room behind you and discovered no one actually came in? Unexplainable energy is all around us.  And though modern...

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Resourcefulness In Times of Illness

As a mom I have always had a strong driving resolution to keep my children safe… as I hope every parent does. When illness sets in, in the past, I would feel only slightly derailed. Shifting smoothly into a focused caretaking role, assessing whether or not a trip into...

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Change or Not to Change?

Change or not to change?  That can be a tricky question.  I have heard people around me make comments on the subject and my curiosity is always curious to ask more questions.  “I like change” is a statement I have heard from some.  Often I’m surprised by who said it...

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What Is It? That Feeling…

As I sit in my office writing this I can feel my whole body buzzing.  What is it? That feeling… Since I’ve had my normal amount of coffee I can only assume it is being caused by something else. I feel like I am being pulled in several directions.  In the past, when...

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Old Structures and Superpowers

My husband and I drove to Salida Colorado, a little town snuggled in a valley surrounded by the Rocky Mountains. On our way there, I noticed several logged structures that, over time, have become skeletons of their former selves. Since childhood I have loved this kind...

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Living Your Best Life, as Your Best Self, Starts Here!

Sawubona Ranch Blog Articles

Sawubona Ranch®, in Littleton, Colorado offers private and group EGCM sessions conducted by Annie Young, Certified EGCM Coach, Equine Gestaltist®

Clearing the traumas of your past with Gestalt Therapy is a transformative experience and fosters a new outlook of renewed enthusiasm, passion and happiness.

Annie Young always offers a Free Initial Consultation and invites you to reach out to discuss, or book your 15 minute consultation, Now!