Watch this short video to learn more about EGCM…
What is EGCM?
The EGCMethod (Equine Gestalt Coaching Method) is a style of coaching that brings forward an individual’s own answers. “Gestalt” is a German word with no exact translation to the English language, however, the best definition I have found is “transitioning into wholeness” or “flowing into form”. A gestalt coach sees their clients as whole with their own answers and truths. My job, as your gestalt coach, is to guide you to finding those answers. I partner with my horses in making this happen. Horses have a natural way of seeing deeply into their clients and softly showing them their path.
Easy as 1, 2, 3….. How It Works
Horses and Personal Growth — They Go Together!
If you have ever watched a herd of horses in a pasture you likely witnessed peace and calm. Horses do not worry about what happened the day before, the hour before, or even the minute before. They live in the moment! No judgement of their fellow herd mates and no judgement of themselves. They live with pure acceptance. And they love showing you how to do the same.
A Coach is someone who...
…walks beside you, not in front or behind. A coach helps you tap into your own passions. A coach loves you for all you are and cheers you on as you develop into all you are meant to be.
Gestalt is ...
…awareness of all the parts of you. It is living in the present moment. It is being whole and capable and moving into your own greatness.