Sawubona Ranch® Blog

Voyage Denver Features Annie Young!
What a wonderful surprise when a Voyage Denver editor contacted me to be featured in their online magazine! Please nestle into a cozy chair with a cup of your favorite beverage and check it out. As always, I welcome you to reach out to me with your questions. I'm...
Bring Playful Back
Complicated, technical, busy… words I often used to describe my life. There was a time when I would wake in the morning feeling like the air around me was whispering promises of a big storm heading my way. It was not true, of course, I live in Colorado and, yes, we...
Overwhelm Is A Choice
When I hear myself whining about the chaos in my life, I become not only exhausted, I also become overwhelmed. It does not take long for the exorbitant amount of energy chaos brings to be stopped short by the paralyzing effects of overwhelm. And like a pressure...
Slow Down
New for all time, new for this day, or new in this moment. Starting something new takes energy. Usually starting with an emotion or curiosity, moving into an end-result vision, planning, and finally execution. Rushing any one of these steps can mean a cumbersome...
Expectations versus reality... When the difference between those two is the size of the Grand Canyon, upset can occur. In that moment I can feel my heart drop, my temperature rise, and depending on the situation, either the tears start coming or a rush of angry...
Acceptance… a word, for me that would often show up like a daunting sound too far away for me to clearly understand, let alone grasp and incorporate. Acceptance… a way of being with self-compassion I am often tested on. I have been skilled at dancing around the...
Sleeping Soundly
Summer Solstice… the longest day of the year, which of course, means the shortest night. Seriously, can the nights get shorter? So many times my sleep was distrurbed by any number of things, as if the sandman had completely forgotten my address or was testing my...
Anyone who knows me knows I have a loud voice. And by “loud” I mean several things. I like being in leadership roles. I enjoy public speaking. My voice carries well in a crowded room. When my boundaries are clear I have no problem standing firm with them (which is...
Breathe, Calm and Allow
Deep breathe in…hold 4 seconds…slow exhale. Wow, that sensation surprised me. I’m quite sure I’ve been breathing without stopping for many years, and yet that time my lungs ached during their required expansion, as if it had been days or months since my last deep...
The Dog Next Door
Sadly, the neighbors directly next door moved. Luckily the sweet young family that moved in their place are very kind and, though we haven’t gotten to know them much given the winter weather, I am hopeful we will love them as well. Also new with this family are their...
Living Your Best Life, as Your Best Self, Starts Here!
Sawubona Ranch®, in Littleton, Colorado offers private and group EGCM sessions conducted by Annie Young, Certified EGCM Coach, Equine Gestaltist®
Clearing the traumas of your past with Gestalt Therapy is a transformative experience and fosters a new outlook of renewed enthusiasm, passion and happiness.
Annie Young always offers a Free Initial Consultation and invites you to reach out to discuss, or book your 15 minute consultation, Now!