Sawubona Ranch® Blog

EGCM Supports Parents With Children Who Struggle
Life offers all of us challenges, and parents of children who require a specialized support team are particularly vulnerable to feeling lost or alone, even when regularly surrounded by a lot of people who are there to help.It is the same for every parent whose child...
Sawubona Ranch Is Excited to Meet You!
I am Annie Young, Certified EGCM Life Coach, and Owner of Sawubona Ranch, located in Littleton Colorado, where I conduct my Equine Gestalt Therapy Sessions. I am excited to meet you, and encourage you to take some time to review my website, services and FAQs. I...
Living Your Best Life, as Your Best Self, Starts Here!
Sawubona Ranch®, in Littleton, Colorado offers private and group EGCM sessions conducted by Annie Young, Certified EGCM Coach, Equine Gestaltist®
Clearing the traumas of your past with Gestalt Therapy is a transformative experience and fosters a new outlook of renewed enthusiasm, passion and happiness.
Annie Young always offers a Free Initial Consultation and invites you to reach out to discuss, or book your 15 minute consultation, Now!