As I sit in my office writing this I can feel my whole body buzzing. What is it? That feeling… Since I’ve had my normal amount of coffee I can only assume it is being caused by something else.
I feel like I am being pulled in several directions. In the past, when feeling similar to now, I would spring into action, certain I would find the answer to what exactly I should be doing as I blindly pushed forward. Never one to sit still, I thought pausing my human meant wasting time.
As a committed student of Gestalt, I now recognize that my old habits can truly be the time-wasting route to clarity. Looking over my past few weeks I hold disappointment for myself that I so easily slipped back into my old ways of being when the pressure was on. Not listening to my intuition or training. Instead, like little fairies whispering in my ear I waved them away and remained busy.
As I begin to slow down, quiet and ground myself I am already aware that the busy wasted time had messages in it. I am beginning to feel excited to learn what those messages are! I am reminded of my very 1st piece of Gestalt work, when my ball of anxiety’s message was “Slow down, or you’ll miss it.”
What is the “it” you are missing because you’re reluctant to slow down?
Come see me and my horses to find out.
New to Sawubona Ranch?
*For those of you who may be new to my blog, yes, we work with horses to uncover your inner most joy. It is not about learning to ride or understanding horses.
It is about the horse seeing the real you and helping you see it too. Intrigued? Learn More
Email or Call today!
Email: Annie@SawubonaRanch.com
Phone: 720-468-0068