Annie Young

Equine Assisted Mental Health Practitioner

Specializing in Personal Development

Certified Equine Gestaltist®

Certified Master Gestaltist®

Licensed Equine Facilitator™

Helping parents rediscover their passions, heal pain from the past, embrace their strengths, and see their gifts

Specializing in Breathrough Healing

Can you say “Yes” to:

  • I often feel overwhelmed, anxious, or stuck in a cycle of stress.
  • I am carrying emotional burdens that I am ready to release.
  • I long for deeper connections – with myself, my family, my purpose.
  • I need a healing approach that goes beyond traditional therapies.
  • I want to feel more present, confident, and in control of my life.

If you nodded “yes” to any of the above, you are in the right place.

Let’s release, renew, and reclaim your life together!

Your greatest, most powerful assest is your true self, so who is that?

Let’s identify and access your super powers!

Sawubona Ranch welcomes you & can help you live a life you love.

My horses & I partner in helping you reconnect with yourself. 

You CAN uncover your NEW dreams.
We will help you to grow into all you are meant to be.

Annie Young Equine Coaching Colorado


I’m Annie

Thank you for visiting. As a parent of three I know balance in life can feel nearly impossible. If some time has a past without balance, without feeling valuable as an individual aside from parenting, the idea of trying to get it back can feel selfish and wrong. My wish for you is to see yourself the way I see you…whole, important, having a ton to give the world. You are worth this journey and I will walk it with you.

Annie Young Certified Equine Coach

A horse can tap into your heart & help you find your fullest joy.

“Sawubona” is a greeting of the Zulu Tribe meaning “I see you, you are important to me and I value you.” It is meant to be a greeting of acceptance.  Acceptance of ALL you are; your virtues, your flaws, your greatness, your weakness…Your Everything. It is a reminder that we are all connected.

The one speaking is letting you know that there is no judgement as we are one and the same.

Gaze into a horses eyes & you will experience that same loving greeting.

Horses have a magical way of lifting our energy & our hearts. They stand strong without judgement. They only want your happiness, not for themselves…but, for YOU.

Come and let my horses lift your heart. 

There Is Something for Every Parent, Because Every Parent Needs Support!

"Blessed are those who experience the whispers from a horse's heart."

Melisa Pearce

"Annie helped me see my bravery and embrace my acceptance of my situation, my future seemed brighter and lighter to me. I felt fully heard."

Cheryl P. – Longmont, CO

"Many thanks and praise to Annie for helping me ferret out a limiting belief that I have carried for so many years. Her gentle loving kindness and quick mind helped pull the untruth into the light. And her caring nature was felt through the whole journey."

Marcy W. – Brooklyn, WI

"I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Annie. Her support, guidance, compassion & hug heart allowed me to open up, let my walls down & help me to take a huge step forward. I cannot thank you enough! She truly is an incredible human & coach. :)"

Haley S. – Montana